Our task: To generate news coverage around a report created by climate change not-for-profit Round Our Way focusing on flooding at NHS sites across the UK
Our strategy: To develop the report further to ensure it contained plenty of strong news angles and statistics, then create a media package containing a series of interviewees, press releases and images to catch the eye of the media. We were able to use our unparalleled knowledge as journalists ourselves to ensure the story we were presenting was as powerful as possible
Our tactics: We worked with the UKHACC (UK Health Alliance on Climate Change) to identify a strong senior health figure to give us a head-turning news angle and headline - then also a case study of someone on the ground at Yorkshire Ambulance Service. She in turn gave us some brilliant insights into how flooding was affecting the NHS, including flood waters coming right up to the door of 999 call centres, as well as a series of strong photographs which depicted the story effectively
Results: The story was syndicated by the Press Association which helped us achieve an incredible 176 pieces of coverage in less than two weeks, including five national pieces and 171 regional. This included hits in the Independent online, Evening Standard, Yahoo! News and MSN generating 1.3million estimated coverage views
As a result of the outstanding coverage, and work with the UKHACC, former BBC and Channel 4 News journalist and Aubergine co-founder Emma Gardner was invited to deliver a talk and training session to senior health professionals at the British Medical Association on how PR works and how to best prepare for broadcast media interviews
Floodwaters outside 999 call centre at Fairfields, Doncaster - Yorkshire Nov 2019