
News generated research for climate charity Hope for the Future

Our task: To work with climate charity Hope for the Future comparing attitudes before and after the COP26 climate summit, then generate news coverage from the results.

Strategy: Working with Opinium to create two nationally-representative surveys before and towards the end of the summit, ensuring the questions would generate the most interesting angles possible.

Tactics: Working with our independent market research consultant to ensure the questions asked would generate the strongest responses. Creating a core national press release leading with the most newsworthy angles from the summit, which also wove in HFTF’s key messages. Interviewing case studies on a regional level, which were then weaved into a series of localised releases.

Results: In a two-week window, the campaign received 59 pieces of coverage with a readership of 448 million, including pieces in Evening Standard, Mail Online, the Independent and a swathe of regional media. Constituents used the media coverage to leverage meetings with their MPs to lobby on local climate issues.